It was good to have bro Andrew, Director of Rhema Bible Training Center Indonesia preaching at our church on Sunday. The last time we met was like 4 years ago but it seems we have known each other for quite some time. Maybe because we both were graduated from Rhema BTC. The church enjoyed the way bro Andrew preached. It was just refreshing to have his energy flowing when he preached on "Casting all our cares to the Lord", the classic 1 Peter5:7 sermon.
Unfortunately I forgot to get a picture together hence I cannot post it here. But I know it won't be the last time we met and I look forward to having many more Rhema graduates to preach at our church.
All the best,
Brother Andrew Tanoko
Moving to the new premises
As we had to move out the old building, we looked around and felt God's guidance to move to the new premises of about 500 sqm in Gondangdia Lama area. It is a second floor of an office bulding and we have the whole floor for us. The new Church building is not far from the previous building and it gives us a feeling of a new beginning. A new beginning in everything including of course a better service hall, a children ministry, church office etc. The renovation cost was way above our intial expectation. I guessed we were lack of experience on this thing. But it's worth it. Our Church member were generous givers and all the needed funds were collected in a very short time. Thank you Lord.
The pictures here were taken during our first service in July 13. We had a communion and I preached on "A Deeper Love for God". It was fantastic. As bro Hagin often said, Not because of who was preaching but despite of it. :-)
Brother Phillip
Early this month we have brother Phillip shared about his work in China. Brother Phillip is a underground missionary in China who steadfastly minister into remote area in China. He and his wife have three children who accompany them in their work. We are really blessed by his testimony and definitely it ignited the mission spirit within the church. After the service we went to the nearby Sundanese Restaurant to have lunch together. The pictures were taken in the Restaurant. The first picture shows Brother Phillip and his oldest daughter.
Brother Phillip was introduced to us by Brother Awi who was visiting us from Beijing together with his whole family who was having a vacation in Jakarta.
Batik Ministry
To appreciate the local traditional garments called Batik, the Church chose the third Sundays as the official Batik day, meaning we dress in Batik clothing as we minister in that day. Of course, everybody is free to choose the pattern of the Batik and as you can see in the pictures, they look great. It's really good idea and so much fun.
The last one are our Sunday School Teachers from our Children Ministry Team. They look great, don't they.
All blessings,
Working with YWAM
It was to good to meet friends from YWAM (Youth With A Mission) coming to our church about a month ago. Since then, several groups from Las Vegas, Hawaii, and Australia have short visits working with our youth group ministering to people living in the surrounding of our church. Many activities including teaching english lessons to Christian and non-Christian people and ministering to the sick have been done as well as ministering to our children ministry.
The below pictures show some of them (the group from Australia) with our children.
Also we had another great service last week with Pastor Leonardo Sitorus preaching. Pastor Leo is a distance relative. He is a well-known pastor of an emerging church in Indonesia. Great sermon. We had also Solvy testifying and singing for the Lord. You can read her story at my wife's blogsite (see link to "beautiful"), a really touching story. Many cried as they were touched by the testimony. At the end, last but not least, we had our children singing "Di Doa Ibuku", a touching song about how the children hear their name mentioned in their mother prayer. The mothers then went to the stage hugging the children. So touching. I believe there were healings in the children hearts.
Well that was a typical service we have on Sundays. Basically we enjoy the Lord in many ways. Come visit us some day.
All blessings,
Labels: events
Let the children praise the Lord
These pictures represent some of the children ministry performance during the offering. Last week was a bit different in a better sense as the LCD projector showed the pictures of each child which have been taken earlier. The kids “say cheese” with so much fun during the photo session.
We told our deacons to emphasize more on the children ministry. Actually we want to build a stage in the children service hall so that they can freely enjoy and experience Praise and Worship in greater fun and as good as in the main auditorium with mic, keyboard and all that stuff.
The Lord said, “Forbid them not, to come to me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven”. We believe a family focused church needs the best attention given to the children ministry.
Kebaktian Minggu Nuansa Tahun Baru
Minggu kemarin kami mengadakan kebaktian minggu dengan tema tahun Baru Imlek. Mulai dari Praise and Worship yang ada nuansa irama Mandarin dipimpin oleh Julita Manik sampai persembahan lagu Sekolah Minggu yang begitu menggemaskan namun penuh dengan kesungguhan dalam meninggikan Tuhan Yesus. Putra-putra pak Trias dan bu Kiky yang masih kecil namun dengan indahnya memainkan biola dan saxophone membuat Vocal Group Sekolah Minggu begitu indah. Persembahan pujian mereka membuat kami tidak tahan sehingga mau tidak mau harus memberikan amplop angpao ke tiap-tiap anak di akhir kebatian.
what is it like to be a pastor?
Karena situasi yang terhindarkan, kadang kita dibawa Tuhan kedalam suatu tugas pelayanan yang selama ini kita coba hindari.... Memang my wife and I sudah melayani Tuhan cukup lama bahkan sejak kami dulu kuliah di ITB Bandung. Tapi to tell the truth, menjadi seorang gembala, pastor dari sebuah gereja, it is something else. Sudah sebulan lebih sejak gembala rayon kami mengangkat kami menggembalakan GBI Cikini dan sampai sekarang ini masih dalam learning period yang sangat intensif. Tapi banyak juga surprise2 yang yang Tuhan berikan. Hanya dalam beberapa minggu ini, kita sudah melayani ibadah penguburan / penghiburan sebanyak dua kali untuk anggota keluarga dari jemaat di Cikini. Termasuk satu pelayanan komplit sampai penguburan di hari ulang tahun si gembala itu. So I guess it was a quite different birthday present for me :-) he he he
So what's like to be a pastor? Well, ini bukan hanya soal berkotbah di hari minggu ternyata. Tapi bagaimana memimpin rekan-rekan pengerja untuk bersama-sama mencapai visi yang Tuhan berikan. Soal mengatur keuangan dan kalau perlu fund-raising untuk proyek-proyek yang kita miliki. Soal mengatur full-timers agar lebih efektif dalam bekerja. Mengatur diakonia. Memilih pengkotbah. Spend time dengan rekan-rekan pelayanan. Konseling. Rapat pengurus. Menyusun strategi pelayanan. dan lain lain yang belum kepikir :-) ... oh ya yang paling penting Tuhan bilang, lebih banyak berdoa secara pribadi! Kalau pemimpin kurang doa, jangan harap pengerjanya akan berdoa.... :-)
By the way, I was thinking,... aduh enaknya ya kalau bisa mengajak lebih banyak lagi kaum profesional, karyawan untuk melayani bersama di Cikini. Memang enak bisa melayani dengan kaum muda dan orang-orang tua tapi anak-anak Tuhan yang bekerja itu lebih mobile dan resourceful untuk mengembangkan pelayanan. Karena saya juga masih bekerja (anyway it is common di GBI untuk menggembalakan jemaat sambil tetap bekerja sekuler), tent-making kata sebagaian orang, maka ngobrol dan pelayanan bersama dengan mereka yang juga aktif dalam pekerjaan, lebih nyambung dan efektif.
Betapa enaknya kalau teman-teman lama yang dulu pernah pelayanan bareng bisa melayani bersama kembali di Cikini. OK it is my dream. Boleh dong punya kerinduan seperti itu.....
Friends, with this kind of posting, I try to bear my soul to you. Semoga bisa menjadi berkat dan membuat kita lebih saling mengenal.
All blessings,
ps: itu foto diatas bukan fotoku lho. hanya untuk ilustrasi aja :-)
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